Curriculum Vitae

Main activities & experience

Social worker
São João hospital

Ministry of Health
Sept. 2012 – present

Social Worker within specialised area of infectious diseases. I provide support as well to cirurgy and emergency. My main tasks are diagnose patients with social problems and needs related to Hospital discharge difficulties. So i indentify and analyse social risk factores associated with social problems that hinder patients social reintegration. Provide psychosocial support to patients and their families (psychological, emotional and informational). Cooperation with other professionals and patients : (information, counseling, mediation and negotiation strategies) to prevent, reduce and remove social risk factors, promoting social change. Cooperating with higher education organizations in social work research, training of social workers and organizing the cientific commité of the annual semminar of social work.

Main activities & experience

Social worker
National coordination of HIV/AIDS

Ministry of Health
Sept. 2008 – Sept. 2012

My main national responsibility at the coordination is a workplace action on HIV/AIDS. It includes the creation and development of a code of conduct regarding HIV positive people within companies. I had regular meetings with officials related to the workplace on their obligations in discrimination situations regarding. On an international level I was involved with the “world of work” as part of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). I was a Portuguese ILO delegate for two consecutive years during which we created a recommendation on HIV/AIDS and the world of work.

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98th and 99th International Labor Conference, within HIV and the wokplace – Geneva 2009 and 2010

The goal was to creat a recomendation (recomendation nº200 from ILO) that orientates governments, Public and privat companies how to react accordantly to HIV in the workplace.

A second responsibility that I have is the care and support of HIV-infected individuals. I speak regularly with social workers that are employed at hospitals as well as with the HIV-infected patients. The social workers and I identify the social needs of the individuals, this was a significant event as it led to the current topic of my Ph.D. research.

Another task was guaranty free artificial milk for all HIV positive motheres for at lest the first year of the cild.

Main activities & experience

Social worker
Local schools

Ministry of Education
Oct. 2007 – Aug. 2008

My main task was an analysis of students in need. I performed diagnosis, protection and intervention of those deemed at risk. I had regular contacts with local committees, family courts and the families themselves. This work gave me a real perspective of social problems and how to handle such situations professionally

Main activities & experience

Social worker
Foundation for the social development of Oporto

County council
Oct. 2002 – Sep. 2007

I was responsible for the welfare of people within a homeless and drug rehabilitation program. The Porto Feliz was created with the objective of combating social exclusion of homeless people and drug addicts living on the streets. I did outreach work with people living in social exclusion circumstances. Typical tasks included diagnoses for social security, contact with social institutions, teaching/informing individuals for changes in lifestyle and the integration into families.


Ph.D (2017)

My Ph.D thesis – “HIV infection: experiences and risk behaviour”describes the result of an investigation whose empirical purpose was to study the experiences and risk behaviors of a group infected with HIV (heterosexual transmission). We have analyzed the implications on their individual behaviours, the significance of their conditions, as well as the collective determinants that influence prevention strategies. we want to highlight both the uniqueness of HIV infection experiences in its relationship with gender, education and the self. Furthermore, we study the behaviors and attitudes that result in processes of discrimination and stigmatization of people involved.

Link to thesis and presentation (in Portuguese)

Masters thesis (2006)

My Master thesis, within a psychosocial framework intends to offer a contribution for a better understanding of social exclusion. Particularly, it aims to evaluate the Learned Helplessness and Self-Esteem in car parkers in the city of Porto.

Link to the Master Thesis in Portuguese

From my Master thesis i did a poster about Self-Esteem in Car parkers, that i submit to the 7th National Congress of Psicology. I receive the Prize of merit researcher. 

http://C:\Users\u010779\Desktop\work\7º CONGRESSO NACIONAL PSICOLOGIA.html



Journal Abstracts

Poster sessions

M. Lobão, I. Gomes. “Self-esteem in car parkers”., 7 th National Congress of health, February 2008. This work was awarded the first prize at the congress.

Public Events


Invited talks

“Prejudice and ways of tramission HIV”. High school, Oporto, Portugal, April 2010.

“Social dimension of HIV/AIDS”, Public Health Institute, Oporto, Portugal, March 2010.

“Education strategies for development – the role of Portugal in the context of health goals”. Human rights and HIV/AIDS, University of Oporto, December 2010.